Kurze Beschreibung der Statistikseiten

In den Tabellen jeder Station sind pro Jahr verschieden Werte angegeben.

Am Schluss folgt noch eine zusammenfassende Tabelle.
Die Statistik sollte auf geprüften täglichen Daten basieren. Die meisten Stationen sind durchgängig, aber es kann auch sein, dass bei einer Station zwischendurch Jahre ohne Information vorkommen, obwohl Eis da war (dann fiel dort der Eisbeobachter aus).

In den Abbbildungen sind die Bedeckung (farbig codiert nach WMO-Standard) und die Eisdicke (als Balkenhöhe) aller Tage in allen Jahren dargestellt.

Short description of the ice statistics tables

The yearly statistics of a single station are within a single HTML file.
There are several values for each year. The first and second column are the beginning and the end of the ice season at that station (so first and last day with ice).
The third column (Saisonlänge) ist the length of the season, just the days between first and last ice occurence.
The fourth column (Tage mit Eis) gives the number of days with ice, the maximum possible value is the length of the season, but mostly there are less days with ice, as the season mostly is not continuos.
The fifth column is the area sum, that is the sum of all concentrations. The sixth is the volume sum, the total sum of concentration times thickness.
The sixth and seventh column is the maximum ice thichness, the sixth is from measurements, the second comes from the coded ice reports according to the Baltic Sea ice code
The last columns give the days with restrictions acc to the baltic sea ice code. Starting with minimum restriction=1 up, then minimum=2, etc.

At the end there is a summarising table.
Although the statistic is based on checked data, errors still can occur. And although many stations are continuosly, not all start the same year and some are discontinued. Also some stations were not measured in time in between (for example due to illness or death of the ice observer).

The graphic representation gives daily concentration in WMO colors and the height of the bar gives the thickness.