Overview of Addresses of Ice Services and Ice Information.
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
- Baltic Operational Oceanographic System (BOOS)
- International Ice Charting Working Group (IICGW)
- The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM)
- IPY Ice Logistics Portal
Governmental Services
Country |
Sea Area (standard products) |
Canada | CIS | Canadian waters |
Denmark | DMI | Greenlandic waters |
SOK | Baltic Sea | |
Finland | FMI | Baltic Sea |
Germany | BSH | North Sea and Baltic Sea |
Iceland | IMO | Icelandic waters |
Japan | JMSA | Sea of Okhotsk |
Netherlands | WD | North Sea |
Norway | DNMI | Nordic Seas |
Poland | IMGW | Baltic Sea |
Russia | AARI | Arctic Waters |
Sweden | SMHI | Baltic Sea |
USA | IIP | NW-Atlantic (Icebergs) |
NIC | World wide |
Other Institutions
- Alfred-Wegener-Institut for Polar and Marine Research
- Baltic Earth
- Fleet Numerical Meteorological and Oceanographic Center, Monterey, USA
- Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)/Remote Sensing (IFE), University of Bremen
- Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), Bergen
- National Snow and Ice Data Center